!!! JOIN IN – ACTION !!!
Imagine they get mail in Russia…
The slogan ‘Imagine there is a war and nobody goes’ is now available as a postcard and sticker in Russian.
My idea: as many people as possible send cards and stickers with the peace slogan to Russia. To relatives, friends, opponents of the war… By post, by email, by whatever means…
If you don’t know any Russian-speaking people, you can publicise the campaign by linking to this page, e.g. in social networks. Here is the link to share: www.imaginepeace.art
Annoy Putin !!! Join in and support this campaign! Order cards and stickers. At cost price.
My aim is to encourage Russian civil society to rethink and initiate discussions about the war against Ukraine.
Let’s send together a big wave of peace postcards and stickers to the Russian civil society !!!
Tips for joining in
Preliminary remark:
No one in Russia should be put in danger with this campaign! So if you are worried about sending out postcards or stickers, you can also spread the slogan in other ways. There are no limits to your imagination. There are many ways to publicise the peace slogan in Russian.
As a general rule, it is best not to send cards etc. openly, but packaged, e.g. in an envelope.
If you do not want to reveal your own sender’s address, you should not send it anonymously. What could you specify instead…? Here again, imagination is required ;-))
And if you don’t know any Russian-speaking people in your own neighbourhood, you can research non-political institutions in Russia as addressees, for example: Hotels, air booksellers, churches … Google is your friend.
Sending mail to Russia
How else to address a letter to Russia is described here.
In addition to sending it by post, there are many other ways to publicise the slogan and the campaign:
1. spread the peace slogan as plain text – e.g. in correspondence, in a comment, in one’s social media … – i.e. without a postcard, letter card or sticker.
Here is the Cyrillic spelling to copy:
Представь, что сейчас война, а на неё никто не идёт.
2. share the image file – with a comment e.g. on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or elsewhere … Download the image file here:
• as PDF (high resolution): here
• as JPG (low resolution): here
3. share the link to the campaign:
a) think of imaginative hashtags, e.g. #PostForPutin #SchreibMalWieder #AnnoyPutin
b) Here is the link to share: www.imaginepeace.art
c) download the QR code: here
Take part !
You have the choice:
– Postcards
– letter cards
– stickers
If you are interested in printing further motifs, please contact me by email: jh@johanneshartmann.art
If you like this non-profit action,
you are welcome to support my artistic work with a donation:
Meine Graffitiparole »Stell Dir vor, es ist Krieg, und Keiner geht hin.« wurde durch den Angriffs auf die Ukraine von der Realität überholt. Der Krieg ist nun in unmittelbarer europäischer Nachbarschaft angekommen.
Ihre Formulierung weckte 1981 während des Kalten Krieges Hoffnung. Heute weckt sie Zweifel. Letztlich wird allein die russische Zivilgesellschaft Putin stoppen können. Doch seinen Destabilisierungsbemühungen, die in letzten Jahren bei uns Früchte trugen, die zu Hetze und Polarisierungen geführt haben, können wir nur selbst zurückdrängen.
Die Grafik aus dem Jahr 1981 wurde zum Zeitdokument. Wie es dazu kam und wie der Spruch selbst entstand, all dies habe ich hier sowie bei SPIEGEL Geschichte erzählt.
Weniger bekannt sein dürfte, dass die Orignalzeichung immer noch existiert und sich in meinem Besitz befindet. Mein Wunsch ist es, ihr in einer passenden zeitgeschichtlichen Umgebung ein neues Zuhause zu verschaffen.