Member of the BBK Hamburg (professional association of visual artists)
Member of the art association for the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis e.V.
I am a freelance artist since 1983. Initially, paintings and drawings on classical substrates. In addition, black and white photographs.
From 1987 I turned increasingly to unconventional materials and techniques. The first pictures were created on acrylic glass and foils – painting surfaces, which I now devote myself exclusively. At the same time I made three-dimensional object subjects from found materials.
In 1978, during my studies in Hamburg (Illustration and Communication Design), I founded the poster group „*WERKHAUS*“ with a small group of graphic and art students.
In 1981, I conceived the slogan „Imagine it’s war and no one is going“ as a wall slogan. The photo of my graffiti on the wall of the bunker on the Heiligengeistfeld as well as my poster with the wall graphic went viral and made the slogan known beyond the borders of Germany.
In addition to my artistic work, I designed book covers and posters, worked in the 90s full-time as an art director and part-time as a depth psychological body therapist. After the turn of the millennium I worked as a web designer.
From 2003 I realized smaller solo exhibition projects in my own exhibition space in Hamburg. After a good course of a serious illness, I am since 2019 again working full-time as a freelance artist.
1975 – 1981
Studies and Diploma: University of Applied Sciences for Design, Hamburg (Prof.: Klaus Frank, Gisela Bührmann, Marianne Weingärtner, Jochen Blume)
Founding member of the poster group „*WERKHAUS*“, Hamburg
1978 – 1985
Political posters and graphics, including conception and publication of the wall graffiti »Stell Dir vor, es ist Krieg und Keiner geht hin« (»Imagine it’s war and nobody goes.«)
1983 – 1994
First free artistic creative phase:
Painting and photography, various artistic projects and exhibitions:
– 1983 Kunstpreis Altona „Lebenssituationen“, participation, group exhibition, catalog.
– 1985 FABRIK Hamburg, group exhibition „Menschenformen“ (cooperation with Horst Gebhardt, Thomas Möller and Denis Brudna)
– 1986 Maison des Arts et Loisirs de Laon „aspects de la photographie demande“, group exhibition and catalog, curator: Claude Jacquot
– 1986 Fotogalerie moment, group exhibition „Schlaglichter – Schattenseiten“ (Johannes Hartmann, Thomas Möller, Horst Gebhardt)
First works on transparent materials: Plexiglas and construction films. See also »Transparenzen«.
1st solo exhibition, gallery artbeat, Hamburg.
„Walks from the left to the right hemisphere of the brain“ (title of the exhibition).
1994 – 1997
Worked as art director (permanent position) at GEO SAISON (Gruner+Jahr)
1995 – 2008
Part-time activity as depth psychological body therapist; recognition as European Certificated Psychotherapist
2001 – 2014
Several solo exhibition projects in the gallery space Eulenstraße, Hamburg-Ottensen (among others „Kunst macht klücklich.“, „Transparenzen“)
Performer in music video »Der Tag wird kommen« by Marcus Wiebusch
2004 – 2011
Curation and operation of the artist portal i-create.de; Exhibition cooperation with Peter Verhaar (Amsterdam) and Ole Henrik Hagen (Hamburg/Oslo)
Seit 2019
Second free creative period as a freelance visual artist (full-time): Focus on floating painting and drawing on transparent foils (FloatinX Art).
Solo exhibitions: Die Bedürfnisanstalt, Alte Druckerei Ottensen; Certificate of Merit Luxembourg Art Prize
Solo exhibition: Kunst-Café St. Annen, Lübeck; Collective exhibition „Resting Form – Floating Colors“ sculptures and FloatinX Art: Pop-up space Grindelallee, Hamburg; Presentation of the work „deep breath I“ by Margin Alexander in Brooklyn, New York City: Piano for a painting; Altona Museum: „Systemrelevant. That’s me.“; solo exhibition: Die Bedürfnisanstalt; Certificate of Merit Luxembourg Art Prize; Kunstverein Rhein-Siegkreis: members‘ exhibition; solo exhibition Konterkaro Galerie M6.
Group exhibition „Untitled“: Schauraum Altona; Participation International Art Exhibition FORM-A(R)T 2022, participation in the art auction MAKE ART NOT WAR in favor of Ukraine with three exhibits; „Imagine…“ in Russian – postcards and stickers; Die Drostei: participation in the 7th regional show „We about us“ – 76 x art from northern Germany; solo exhibition in the Bedürfnisanstalt; BBK Hamburg: Open studio
Solo exhibition „SCHWEBEZUSTÄNDE“ in the city hall Altona; solo exhibition Haus 5, St. Pauli; participation Kunstmeile Blankenese. TV interview for the WDR documentary „Stell Dir vor, es ist Krieg…“; „artists in conversation“ – participation in the dialogical exhibition (multimedia space installation) by Suse Bohse + Anja Schulz, Rathaus Altona; FOMONO group exhibition at Hinterconti Hellsclub; collaboration with ATELIER SO – Shuk Orani; POSITION 2.0 group exhibition des BBK Hamburg, Fabrik der Künste; solo exhibiton »Alles Gut…?« Die Bedürfnisanstalt; Certificate of Merit Luxembourg Art Prize; solo exhibition »Transparenzen« KBH Marne.
»Wagnisse« Group exhibition at KBH Marne; »EVERYONE BUT CASPAR!« Group exhibition at Künstlerhaus Sootbörn; Auction of the historical photograph from 1981 by the auction house CHRISTIE’S; Solo exhibition „Schwebezustand“ at the Elbschloss Residenz; SWISS Art EXPO – Participation at Artbox.Project ZÜRICH 6.0; Collaboration with BOAS ARTES, Portugal; Certificate of merit: Luxembourg Art Prize; Exhibiton of 3 works each: Thomson Gallery, Zug (Switzerland) + Andakulova Gallery, Dubai (UAE).
Kunstverein Rhein-Siegkreis: members exhibition »all inclusive«»all inclusive«; Permanent exhibition of the original photography from 1981 in the Hamburg Feldstraßenbunker.
Johannes Hartmann, *1954, lives and works in Hamburg. The photo was taken in 2003 on the occasion of his exhibition „Transparencies“ in the gallery space Eulenstraße.
Photo: Andreas Bock, Hamburg
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Meine Graffitiparole »Stell Dir vor, es ist Krieg, und Keiner geht hin.« wurde durch den Angriffs auf die Ukraine von der Realität überholt. Der Krieg ist nun in unmittelbarer europäischer Nachbarschaft angekommen.
Ihre Formulierung weckte 1981 während des Kalten Krieges Hoffnung. Heute weckt sie Zweifel. Letztlich wird allein die russische Zivilgesellschaft Putin stoppen können. Doch seinen Destabilisierungsbemühungen, die in letzten Jahren bei uns Früchte trugen, die zu Hetze und Polarisierungen geführt haben, können wir nur selbst zurückdrängen.
Die Grafik aus dem Jahr 1981 wurde zum Zeitdokument. Wie es dazu kam und wie der Spruch selbst entstand, all dies habe ich hier sowie bei SPIEGEL Geschichte erzählt.
Weniger bekannt sein dürfte, dass die Orignalzeichung immer noch existiert und sich in meinem Besitz befindet. Mein Wunsch ist es, ihr in einer passenden zeitgeschichtlichen Umgebung ein neues Zuhause zu verschaffen.